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Pot Racks

Pot Rack resources and guides
Shop for Pot Racks

These are some of the best online stores to buy pot racks. They all have a great range and some of the best prices you will find online.

Cooking.com 1. Shop at Cooking.com
Amazon 2. Shop at Amazon


Pot Racks

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Pot Rack Information

Pot racks are versatile kitchen tools that serve three functions simultaneously. 

They are decorative, they add much-needed space to the kitchen, and they help to keep your pots and pans handy and protected. 

It is wise to consider all of these functions when buying racks for your home.

Space is always at a premium in kitchens, especially for people who love to cook. 


Dishes, gadgets, and cookware often compete for the same cabinet space, resulting in storage that is cramped and disorganized. 


Even worse, it is all too easy to break something when trying to slide a pot out of a crowded space.


Installing pot racks puts the empty space in your kitchen to good use.  Whether you install your rack on an empty wall or hang it from the ceiling, you will be making the most out of your available room, and freeing your cabinets for other uses. 

On the Rack

William Morris would have loved Pot Racks.  Morris, one of the founders of the Arts and Crafts movement in Britain (probably best known for his stunning wallpaper designs) famously said “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”   Pot racks are both of these!

In the last few years, pot racks have enjoyed a major comeback and are now to be found in many homes.  They’re not a new idea.  As far back as the 1600’s, people hung racks over their fireplaces to suspend cooking pots.  They raised and lowered them as necessary to control the temperature of the cooking. 

The Benefits of Pot Racks

Anyone who has had to fumble around in cabinets to find the right cooking implements can appreciate the sheer convenience of using pot racks. 


Your most used pots and pans remain close at hand, easy to take down and use at a moment’s notice. 


Furthermore, hanging your cookware prevents wear and tear from storing pots and pans inside each other.  Pot racks extend the lifespan of your favorite pieces of cookware.


For these reasons, pot racks are a handy addition to any kitchen.  Check out the range of styles online to find the perfect pot racks to fit your personal style today!